
Automatizace dokumentů

Naše nejnovější aktualizace Document Automation vám pomůže snadno získat obtížně extrahovaná data, jako jsou sledovací čísla. Podívejte se na ukázku, abyste viděli, jak se používá tento generativní upgrade poháněný umělou inteligencí k automatizaci procesů finančního oddělení.

Power of automation

Petrobras are a fantastic example of the power of automation! Petrobras is the largest energy company in South America and eyes $1 Billion in annual savings with expanded GenAI automation adoption across additional enterprise processes. Petrobras realized $120 million in savings within three weeks by using Automation Anywhere’s Automation Co-Pilot for Business Users to efficiently prepare …

Power of automation Číst dál »

Robot as a service

The rapid development of new technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, cloudcomputing, and the Internet of Things (IoT), as well as their widespread use by businesses, havecontributed to the significant expansion of automation as we called robot as a servise (RaaS). Our new platform offers automation solutions and services to businesses on a subscription …

Robot as a service Číst dál »